Educational Services » Parent Engagement

Parent Engagement

The Governing Board recognizes that parents/guardians are their children's first and most
influential teachers and that sustained parent involvement in the education of their children
contributes greatly to student achievement and a positive school environment. The
Superintendent or designee shall work with staff and parents/guardians to develop meaningful
opportunities at all grade levels for parents/guardians to be involved in district and school
activities; advisory, decision-making, and advocacy roles; and activities to support learning at

La Junta de Gobierno reconoce que los padres/tutores son los primeros y más importantes maestros influyentes de sus hijos y esa participación sostenida de los padres/tutores en la educación de sus hijos contribuyen en gran medida al estudio estudiantil y al ambiente escolar positivo.  EL Superintendente o persona designada deberá consultar con los padres/tutores y miembros de familia en el desarrollo de oportunidades significativas para que se involucren en actividades del distrito y la escuela de todos niveles de grado; funciones de asesoramiento, toma de decisiones y defensa; y actividades para el aprendizaje en casa.

Become involved join us in the District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC)/Participe y únase a nosotros en el Comité Asesor de Aprendices de Inglés del Distrito (DELAC)

District English Learner Advisory Committee

This committee is comprised of parents, school staff, and members of the community with the purpose of advising school officials about the services and programs for English Language Learners.

Each California public school district, grades kindergarten through 12, with 51 or more English Learners must form a District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC) or subcommittee of an existing district-wide advisory committee.

Comité Asesor de Padres a Nivel de Distrito

Este comité está compuesto de padres, personal docente, y miembros de la comunidad con el propósito de aconsejar a los oficiales sobre los servicios y programas para los alumnos aprendices de inglés.

Cada distrito escolar, del kindergarten al grado 12 con 51 o más alumnos aprendices del inglés debe formar un Comité Asesor de Padres del Inglés a Nivel de Distrito (DELAC) o un subcomité de un comité similar ya en existencia.


2022-2023 DELAC Meeting Dates/ Fechas de Reuniones DELAC




18 August/Agosto 2022

District Office/ Officina Centra


23 September/Septiembre 2022

District Office/Oficina Central

6:30 PM

28 October/Octubre 2022

Greenfield High School Library/Biblioteca

6:30 PM

24 February/ Febrero 2023 District Office/Oficina Central 6:30 PM

24 March/Marzo 2023

Greenfield High School


6:30 PM

5 May/Mayo 2023

District Office/Oficina Central

6:30 PM


What is ELD?

What is ELD?
English Language Development (ELD) means instruction designed specifically for English language learners to develop listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in English. 
Who is eligible for ELD?

Who is eligible for ELD?

Students who have a primary home language other than English and who are not yet proficient in English are eligible for ELD.
What is the criteria for inclusion in an ELD Program?
The Home Language Survey (HLS) is completed by parents upon their student's initial enrollment in CA public schools.   If the survey filled out during PUSD enrollment indicates a home language influence other than English, the Assessment and Accountability Department will review California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS) history.  If CALPADS records show an EL proficiency history from another CA public school, that EL status follows the student into PUSD and the original HLS completed on first enrollment in another district will take precedence over the HLS completed at PUSD.  If there is no previous CA public school history and this is the student's first enrollment in a CA school, then they will take the Initial English Language Proficiency Assessment for California (ELPAC) to determine the student's proficiency level.  Students who score "Novice" or "Intermediate" on the Initial ELPAC, or who have pre-existing CALPADS records as English Learners through previous CA public school assessments, will be eligible for ELD programming.  The Assessment and Accountability Department will update the EL proficiency in Q to match CALPADS records and the most recent ELPAC assessment results.
What is the typical timeline for an average student to develop proficiency in an academic language?

What is the typical timeline for an average student to develop proficiency in an academic language?

The time it takes learners to become proficient in English varies considerably. Second language acquisition research suggests that students develop basic social and interpersonal communications skills within two years. However, reaching "native-like proficiency" in academic language may take from five to nine years with appropriate support. Without appropriate support, an English Learner / Emergent Bilingual student is unlikely to achieve competency in the academic English that is necessary to succeed in school.
What is the difference between Designated and Integrated ELD?
Designated ELD is defined as core instruction provided during a time during the regular school day for focused teaching and learning using the state-adopted ELD standards to assist English Learner / Emergent Bilingual students to develop critical English language skills necessary for academic content learning in English. (California Code of Regulations, Title 5 [5 CCR] Section 11300[a])
Integrated ELD is defined as core instruction in which the state-adopted ELD standards are used in tandem with the state-adopted academic content standards. Integrated ELD includes specifically designed academic instruction in English. (5 CCR Section 11300[c])
Is Designated ELD required as part of the regular school day?

Is Designated ELD required as part of the regular school day?

Yes. The California Code of Regulations section 11300(a) states that Designated English language development is “core instruction provided during a time set aside in the regular school day…”. Designated ELD is part of the core curriculum, which is taught during an instructional day.
How does instruction different during Designated ELD time versus an Integrated ELD lesson?

How does instruction differ during Designated ELD time versus an Integrated ELD lesson?

During Designated ELD, instruction is focused on the ELD standards and specifically supports English Learner / Emergent Bilingual students in the acquisition of the English language. During Integrated ELD, the instruction is focused on the content standards (i.e. Math, Science, History) with academic language supports and instruction in English.
Designated ELD at the Secondary level continues to include instruction specific to the acquisition of English.  Integrated ELD at the secondary level supports English Learners/ Emergent Bilingual students in content courses, by providing them access to the content through strategies and supports in language.
How does a student exit an ELD program or Reclassify?

How does a student exit an ELD program or Reclassify?

Reclassification is the process where students move from English Learner status to fluent English proficient status (Redesignated Fluent English Proficient - RFEP).  PUSD uses multiple criteria in determining whether to reclassify a student and includes: English Language Proficiency Assessment for California (ELPAC) scores, Academic Achievement, Teacher Evaluation, and Parent Consultation.
How are RFEP students monitored?

How are RFEP students monitored?

In accordance with existing California regulations, SMCJUHSD is required to monitor students for four years after reclassification to ensure they are making adequate progress towards grade level academic standards.  Site English Learner Liaisons and teachers document students’ progress during each academic year for four years and provide targeted interventions to students when needed.