Parents & Students » WeTip Resources

WeTip Resources

WeTip provides a hotline number which anyone can call if they have  information about theft, vandalism, or other crimes that have been committed on one of our schools or the community. All callers to WeTip remain anonymous. The program also offers rewards of up to $1000.00 for tips that ultimately result in a conviction.


If you have information that could help law enforcement agencies bring criminals to justice,please call WeTip at 1-800 732-7463
Additionally, tips can be submitted online at:

How Does it Work?

WeTip hotlines are answered by bilingual tip operators 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Calls are taken on all crimes affecting schools and the surrounding communities . All calls are anonymous, not just confidential. No one will ever know who made the call.  The operator will then ask a series of questions, designed by law enforcement, to obtain the maximum amount of information about the reported crime. After the information is taken, a code name and number are assigned to the informant. The caller always remains absolutely anonymous.

The WeTip operator will take the information and pass it on to appropriate law officers who then conduct their own investigation. Only calls made directly to WeTip will be eligible for reward.  If your information results in an arrest and conviction, you will be given up to $1,000 cash, depending upon the importance of the crime solved. Your identity will never be know to anyone.  The reward drop is made at a secret postal location, using the assigned code names and case numbers. No personal contact is ever made with the informant.

Anonymous Tip Leads Corona Police to $2,000,000 Indoor Marijuana Grow

School Safety Program

For over 40 years, WeTip has provided a safe, anonymous hotline to schools throughout the nation. In 2009 WeTip added the 1-855-86-BULLY hotline, in 2011 we added a mobile tip form, making WeTip easier for students of all ages to report crime, especially bullying, in their schools.Also help put a stop to graffiti and other vandalism.

Click here to view WeTip's 2012 Anti Bully Video "Mean"!